Difference between Trend and Slue

What is the difference between Trend and Slue?

Trend as a noun is an inclination in a particular direction while Slue as a noun is the act of sluing or the place to which something has slued.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: An inclination in a particular direction A tendency A fad or fashion style A line drawn on a graph that approximates the trend of a number of disparate points

Part of speech: verb

Definition: To have a particular direction; to run; to stretch; to tend To cause to turn; to bend.

Example sentence: I'm not about the next big trend. I'm about the silhouette and right fit and right designer for me.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: The act of sluing or the place to which something has slued.

Part of speech: verb

Definition: To rotate something on an axisTo turn something sharplyTo rotate on an axis; to pivotTo slide off course; to skid

We hope you now know whether to use Trend or Slue in your sentence.

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