Difference between Mongoose and Meerkat

What is the difference between Mongoose and Meerkat?

Mongoose as a noun is a small carnivore of the family herpestidae, a predator of poisonous snakes. while Meerkat as a noun is a small carnivorous mammal of the mongoose family, from the kalahari desert, known for its habit of standing on its hind legs. scientific name: suricata suricatta.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: A small carnivore of the family Herpestidae, a predator of poisonous snakes.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: A small carnivorous mammal of the mongoose family, from the Kalahari Desert, known for its habit of standing on its hind legs. Scientific name: Suricata suricatta.

We hope you now know whether to use Mongoose or Meerkat in your sentence.

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