Difference between Low and Unrefined

What is the difference between Low and Unrefined?

Low as an adjective is in a position comparatively close to the ground. while Unrefined as an adjective is crude, raw or unprocessed


Part of speech: verb

Definition: To moo.

Part of speech: noun

Definition: Something that is low. A depressed mood or situation. An area of low pressure; a depression. The lowest-speed gearing of a power-transmission system, especially of an automotive vehicle. A flame, fire.

Part of speech: adjective

Definition: In a position comparatively close to the ground. Small in height. Depressed, sad. In an amount nearest to zero, such as low prices. Despicable thing to do.

Example sentence: Life's so unpredictable. You never know when the next high or low will strike you. The trick is just to flow with the tide.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: crude, raw or unprocessedlacking refinement; uncouth

We hope you now know whether to use Low or Unrefined in your sentence.

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