Part of speech: verb
Definition: To unite, or form a connection between, as between families by marriage, or between princes and states by treaty, league, or confederacy.
Part of speech: adjective
Definition: Joined as allies. The Treaty of Vienna..had bound the Allied Powers to make war together upon Napoleon.
Example sentence: The number of attacks on the American and allied forces is at the highest level since the insurgency began despite the increase of America combat operations and the introduction of some 40 new Iraq security forces and battalions.
Part of speech: verb
Definition: To tell in a descriptive way.
Part of speech: adjective
Definition: Standing in relation or connection.Being a relative of.Narrated; told.Same as the adjective relative.Fulfilling a relation.Having a relationship with the thing named
Example sentence: Liberalism seems to be related to the distance people are from the problem.