Difference between Absorb and Engage

What is the difference between Absorb and Engage?

Absorb as a verb is to include so that it no longer has separate existence; to swallow up; to engulf; to overwhelm; to cause to disappear as if by swallowing up; to use up; to incorporate; to assimilate. while Engage as a verb is to pledge, to put something at risk or on the line.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: To include so that it no longer has separate existence; to swallow up; to engulf; to overwhelm; to cause to disappear as if by swallowing up; to use up; to incorporate; to assimilate. To suck up; to drink in; to imbibe; as a sponge or as the lacteals of the body. To learn To engross or engage wholly; to occupy fully; as, absorbed in study or in the pursuit of wealth. To consume completely. To endure. To take up by chemical or physical action. To assume or pay for as part of a commercial transaction.

Example sentence: Black pepper is necessary to absorb the key antioxidants in most spices and foods, including turmeric, so get a pepper grinder and fill it with Tellicherry peppercorns.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: To pledge, to put something at risk or on the line.To guarantee or promise (to do something.)To bind through legal or moral obligation (to do something, especially to marry) (usually in passive)To engross or hold the attention of someone.To fascinate or win over someone.To employ or obtain the services of someone.To reserve or arrange the use of.To mesh or interlock (of machinery, especially a clutch).To cause to mesh or interlock.To enter into (an activity), to participate (construed with ).To keep busy or occupied.To attract, to draw into conversation.To enter into conflict with (an enemy).To enter into battle.To bring together or prepare before fighting.In air defense, a fire control order used to direct or authorize units and/or weapon systems to fire on a designated target. (JP 1-02 Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms).To bring the enemy under fire. (JP 1-02 Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms).

Example sentence: I've always been interested in technology, but specifically how we can use machines to engage the imagination. I started using computers when I was young and was fascinated by creating rules and instructions that allow a computer to engage in a dialogue with humans. The stories found in the data all around us can do just that.

We hope you now know whether to use Absorb or Engage in your sentence.

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