Part of speech: symbol
Definition: The first letter of the English alphabet.
Part of speech: determiner
Definition: One; any indefinite example of. One certain or particular.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: The name of the letter A. The best grade; superiority.
Part of speech: verb
Definition: Have.
Part of speech: pronoun
Definition: He; she; it; they.
Part of speech: preposition
Definition: In, on, at, by. In the process of; in the act of; into; to. Of. To, each, per.
Part of speech: interjection
Definition: A meaningless syllable; ah.
Part of speech: abbreviation
Definition: accepted ante; before. active adjective An are, a unit of area of which 100 comprise a hectare.
Part of speech: symbol
Definition: The first letter of the English alphabet.The highest rank on any of various scales that assign letters.The highest letter grade assigned (disregarding plusses and minuses).A tone three fifths above C in the cycle of fifths; the sixth tone of the C major scale; the reference tone that occurs at exactly 440 Hz.A blood type that has a specific antigen that aggravates the immune response in people with type B antigen in their blood. They may receive blood from type A or type O, but cannot receive blood from AB or B.Austria
Part of speech: abbreviation
Definition: Adjective.AnswerAsianAdmitApplicationasynchronAugsburgangstromatomAn assist.