Part of speech: verb
Definition: To swing from side to side, especially of an animal's tail To not go to school, either for a class or classes or the entire school day;1 play the wag; hop the wag; wag it.2
Part of speech: noun
Definition: An oscillating movement. A witty person.
Example sentence: In modern politics, polls often serve as the canary in the mine - an early warning signal of danger or trends. But polls can also be used to wag the dog - diverting attention from something significant.
Part of speech: verb
Definition: Know, be aware of .
Part of speech: noun
Definition: Sanity.The senses.Intellectual ability; faculty of thinking, reasoning.The ability to think quickly; mental cleverness, especially under short time constraints.Intelligence; common sense.Spoken humour, especially when clever or quick.A person who tells funny anecdotes or jokes; someone witty.
Example sentence: At twenty years of age the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.