Part of speech: adjective
Definition: Being the only one of its kind; unequaled, unparalleled or unmatched. Of a feature, such that only one holder has it. (disputed) Of a rare quality. (disputed) Unusual.
Example sentence: Style is something very individual, very personal, and in their own unique way, I believe everyone is stylish.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: A distinguishing attribute or quality.Something particularly adapted for a particular use, as a remedy for a particular disorderSpecificationThe details; particulars.
Part of speech: adjective
Definition: explicit or definiteof, or relating to a speciespertaining to a taxon at the rank of speciesspecial, distinctive or uniqueintended for, or applying to a particular thingbeing a remedy for a particular diseaselimited to a particular antibody or antigena value divided by mass (e.g. specific orbital energy)similarly referring to a value divided by any measure which acts to standardize it (e.g. thrust specific fuel consumption, referring to fuel consumption divided by thrust)a measure compared with a standard reference value by division, to produce a ratio without unit or dimension (e.g. specific refractive index is a pure number, and is relative to that of air)
Example sentence: I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.