Part of speech: noun
Definition: The castrated male of cattle, especially one raised for beef production. A suggestion about a course of action.
Part of speech: verb
Definition: To guide the course of a vessel, vehicle, aircraft etc. (by means of a device such as a rudder, paddle, or steering wheel). To guide the course of a vessel, vehicle, aircraft etc. (by means of a device such as a rudder, paddle, or steering wheel). To direct a group of animals. To maneuver or manipulate a person or group into a place or course of action. To direct a conversation.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: The act or result of stirring; agitation; tumult; bustle; noise or various movements.Public disturbance or commotion; tumultuous disorder; seditious uproar.Agitation of thoughts; conflicting passions.Jail; prison.
Part of speech: verb
Definition: To change the place of in any manner; to move.To disturb the relative position of the particles of, as of a liquid, by passing something through it; to agitateTo bring into debate; to agitate; to moot.To incite to action; to arouse; to instigate; to prompt; to excite.To move; to change one's position.To be in motion; to be active or bustling; to exert or busy one's self.To become the object of notice; to be on foot.To rise, or be up, in the morning. —Shakespeare