Difference between Star and Pentagram

What is the difference between Star and Pentagram?

Star as a noun is a small luminous, immobile dot in the sky. while Pentagram as a noun is the shape of a five-pointed star constructed of five intersecting lines meeting at the vertices, such that a central pentagon and five surrounding isosceles triangles are formed; often with magical connotations.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: To appear as a featured performer or headliner, especially in an entertainment program. To mark with a star or asterisk.

Part of speech: noun

Definition: A small luminous, immobile dot in the sky. A luminous celestial body, made up of plasma (particularly hydrogen and helium) and having a spherical shape. Depending on context the sun may or may not be included. A concave polygon with regular, pointy protrusions and indentations, generally with five or six points. A widely-known person; a celebrity. Actors in leading roles in movies, television shows and other dramatic media. An exceptionally talented person, often in a specific field. An asterisk (*). A symbol used to rate quality, notably used for hotels, with ratings from 1 (poor quality) to 5 stars (top quality).


Part of speech: noun

Definition: The shape of a five-pointed star constructed of five intersecting lines meeting at the vertices, such that a central pentagon and five surrounding isosceles triangles are formed; often with magical connotations.a 5/2 star polygon

We hope you now know whether to use Star or Pentagram in your sentence.

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