Part of speech: noun
Definition: State of readiness without being immediately involved. Waiting at the airport in the hope of getting a seat on a flight that is already booked out. Something that is standard, well-tested, or frequently used.
Part of speech: verb
Definition: Wait briefly:
Part of speech: adjective
Definition: Succeeding next in order to the first; of second place, origin, rank, rank, etc.; not primary; subordinate; not of the first order or rate.Acting by deputation or delegated authority; as, the work of secondary hands.Possessing some quality, or having been subject to some operation (as substitution), in the second degree; as, a secondary salt, a secondary amine, etc. Cf. primary.Subsequent in origin; -- said of minerals produced by alteration or deposition subsequent to the formation of the original rocks mass; also of characters of minerals (as secondary cleavage, etc.) developed by pressure or other causes.Pertaining to the second joint of the wing of a bird.Dependent or consequent upon another disease; as, Bright's disease is often secondary to scarlet fever. (b) Occuring in the second stage of a disease; as, the secondary symptoms of syphilis.Of less than primary importance.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: Any flight feather attached to the ulna (forearm) of a bird.Any flight feather attached to the ulna (forearm) of a bird.An act of issuing more stock by an already publicly traded corporation.
Example sentence: Best and I worked in the sub-basement of the old medical building day and night. Time, meals, sleep - all were of secondary consideration. We had to get insulin into a form that was refined enough for continued clinical use.