Difference between Free and Slaveless

What is the difference between Free and Slaveless?

Free as an adjective is not imprisoned or enslaved. while Slaveless as an adjective is without a slave or slaves.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: Abbreviation of free kick.

Part of speech: adverb

Definition: Without needing to pay.

Part of speech: adjective

Definition: Not imprisoned or enslaved. Obtainable without payment. Unconstrained. Unconstrained by relators. Unconstrained by quantifiers. Unobstructed, without blockages. Not in use Without obligations. With very few limitations on distribution or improvement. Compare proprietary software. Without; not containing (what is specified). Of identifiers, not bound. Not attached to the stipe. Not imprisoned or enslaved. Obtainable without payment. Unconstrained. Unconstrained by relators. Unconstrained by quantifiers. Unobstructed, without blockages. Not in use Without obligations. With very few limitations on distribution or improvement. Compare proprietary software. Without; not containing (what is specified). Of identifiers, not bound. Not attached to the stipe.

Part of speech: verb

Definition: To make free; set at liberty; release; rid of that which confines, limits, embarrasses, or oppresses.

Example sentence: I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: Without a slave or slaves.

We hope you now know whether to use Free or Slaveless in your sentence.

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