Difference between Cream and Pick

What is the difference between Cream and Pick?

Cream as a noun is the oily part of milk which rises to the top. while Pick as a noun is a tool used for digging; a pickaxe.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: Cream-coloured; having a yellowish white colour.

Part of speech: noun

Definition: The oily part of milk which rises to the top. # The liquid separated from milk, possibly with certain other milk products added, and with at least eighteen percent of it milkfat. A yellowish white colour; the colour of cream. Frosting, custard, creamer or another substance similar to the oily part of milk or to whipped cream. The best part of something. An ointment or salve for the skin. Semen. The chrism or consecrated oil used in anointing ceremonies.

Part of speech: verb

Definition: To puree, to blend with a liquifying process. To turn into a yellowish white colour; to give something the color of cream. To obliterate, to win over someone else quite decisively. To ejaculate .

Example sentence: I love eating chocolate cake and ice cream after a show. I almost justify it in my mind as, 'You were a good boy onstage and you did your show, so now you can have some cake and ice cream.'


Part of speech: verb

Definition: To grasp and pull with the fingers or fingernails.To harvest a fruit or vegetable for consumption by removing it from the plant to which it is attached; to harvest an entire plant by removing it from the ground.To decide between options.To recognise the type of ball being bowled by a bowler by studying the position of the hand and arm as the ball is released.To pluck the individual strings of a musical instrument or to play such an instrument.

Part of speech: noun

Definition: A tool used for digging; a pickaxe.A tool for unlocking a lock without the original key; a lock pick, picklock.A comb with long widely spaced teeth, for use with tightly curled hair.A choice.A screenAn offensive tactic in which a player stands so as to block a defender from reaching a teammate.An interception.A good defensive play by an infielderShort for pick-offA tool used for strumming the strings of a guitar; a plectrum.

Example sentence: I'm not the greatest; I'm the double greatest. Not only do I knock 'em out, I pick the round.

We hope you now know whether to use Cream or Pick in your sentence.

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