Difference between Bump and Dislodge

What is the difference between Bump and Dislodge?

Bump as a verb is knock or run into with a jolt. while Dislodge as a verb is to remove or force out from a position or dwelling previously occupied.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: Knock or run into with a jolt. To post in an Internet forum thread in order to raise the thread's profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads.

Part of speech: noun

Definition: A light blow or jolting collision. The sound of such a collision. A protuberance on a level surface. A swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury. (rowing) The point, in a race in which boats are spaced apart at the start, at which a boat begins to overtake the boat ahead. The swollen abdomen of a pregnant woman. A post in an Internet forum thread made in order to raise the thread's profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads. A temporary increase in a quantity, as shown in a graph. A dose of the drug ketamine, when taken recreationally.

Example sentence: If a bullfrog had wings it wouldn't bump his behind every time he hopped.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: To remove or force out from a position or dwelling previously occupied.To move or go from a dwelling or former position.To force out of a secure or settled position.

We hope you now know whether to use Bump or Dislodge in your sentence.

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