Part of speech: verb
Definition: To strike with a blackjack or similar weapon.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: The most common gambling card game in casinos. The flag (i.e., a jack) traditionally flown by pirate ships; popularly thought to be a white skull and crossed bones on a black field (the Jolly Roger). In older literature sometimes spelled "black jack". a small truncheon, commonly made of a leather senneted tube, the slender handle being slightly flexible and the upper more bulbous end being loaded with lead or other heavy material. a type of weed, Bidens pilosa, in the family Compositae.
Example sentence: I love blackjack.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: The juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition.The sap-wood, or alburnum, of a tree.A simpleton; a saphead; a milksop; a naive person.A short wooden club; a leather-covered hand weapon; a blackjack.A narrow ditch or trench made from the foremost parallel toward the glacis or covert way of a besieged place by digging under cover of gabions, etc.
Part of speech: verb
Definition: To strike with a sap (with a blackjack).To subvert by digging or wearing away; to mine; to undermine; to destroy the foundation of.To pierce with saps.To make unstable or infirm; to unsettle; to weaken.To gradually weaken.To proceed by mining, or by secretly undermining; to execute saps — 12
Example sentence: I don't have to look up my family tree, because I know that I'm the sap.