Part of speech: verb
Definition: Archaic To stand (at a place) or to (an opinion), to attend a theatrical performance. To help. To make a pass that leads directly towards scoring.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: a statistic used in different sports to quantify the act of helping another player score points or goals; in baseball, an assist is defensive, allowing a teammate to record a putout.
Part of speech: verb
Definition: To keep from falling.To provide materials, effort, information or endorsement for a specific activity, ideal, or entity# To answer questions and resolve problems regarding something sold.#: Sure they sell the product, but do they support it?# To back a cause, party etc. mentally or with concrete aid.#: I support France in the World Cup# To help, particularly financially.#: The government supports the arts in several ways.# To serve, as in a customer-oriented mindset#: The IT Department supports the research organization, but not the sales force.# To be accountable for, or involved with, but not responsible for.#: I support the administrative activities of the executive branch of the organization# To imply a service role.#: I don't make decisions, I just support those who do.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: Something which supports. Often used attributively, as a complement or supplement to.Financial or other help.Answers to questions and resolution of problems regarding something relation to a function, the set of points where the function is not zero, or the closure of that set.