Part of speech: noun
Definition: The act of applying; application. An implement, an instrument or apparatus designed (or at least used) as a means to a specific end (often specified). Specifically: A non-manual apparatus or device, powered electrically or by another small motor, used in homes to perform domestic functions (household appliance) and/or in offices. An attachment, some equipment (or - piece) to adapt another tool or machine to such specific purpose (obsolete) A compliance
Part of speech: noun
Definition: Any piece of equipment made for a particular purpose, especially a mechanical or electrical one.A project or scheme, often designed to deceive; a stratagem; an artifice.A technique that an author or speaker uses to evoke an emotional response in the audience; a rhetorical device.A motto, emblem, or other mark used to distinguish the bearer from others. A device differs from a badge or cognizance primarily because as it is a personal distinction, and not a badge borne by members of the same house successively.An image used in whole or in part as a trademark or service mark.An image or logo denoting official or proprietary authority or provenience.A spectacle or show.Opinion; decision.Power of devising; invention; contrivance.