Difference between Antediluvial and Antediluvian

What is the difference between Antediluvial and Antediluvian?

Antediluvial as an adjective is of or pertaining to a time before noah's flood (or similar deluge myth) while Antediluvian as an adjective is extremely ancient or antiquated; old; prehistoric.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: Of or pertaining to a time before Noah's flood (or similar deluge myth) antiquated


Part of speech: noun

Definition: One who lived prior to Noah's Flood.

Part of speech: adjective

Definition: Extremely ancient or antiquated; old; prehistoric.Supremely dated.Pertaining or belonging to the time period prior to a great or destructive flood or delugePertaining or belonging to the time prior to Noah's Flood.

We hope you now know whether to use Antediluvial or Antediluvian in your sentence.

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