Part of speech: noun
Definition: The art of dissecting, or artificially separating the different parts of any organized body, to discover their situation, structure, and economy; dissection. The science that deals with the form and structure of organic bodies; anatomical structure or organization. A treatise or book on anatomy. The act of dividing anything, corporeal or intellectual, for the purpose of examining its parts; analysis; as, the anatomy of a discourse. A skeleton, or dead body.
Example sentence: Besides acting, I love reading books, dancing, singing, and following a few sports. My favorite sport is tennis. I love travelling, and I see a new place every year. Luckily, my job helps me do that very easily. In my spare time, I also spend time watching English TV shows like 'Grey's Anatomy,' 'Modern Family,' 'House MD' and a few others.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: A scientific study of form and structure, usually without regard to function. Especially:# The study of the form and structure of animals and plants.# The study of the structure of rocks and landforms.# The study of the internal structure of morphemes (words and their semantic building blocks).The form and structure of something.A description of the form and structure of something.