Difference between Agreeance and Agreement

What is the difference between Agreeance and Agreement?

Agreeance as a noun is a state whereby two parties share a view or opinion; agreement. while Agreement as a noun is an understanding between individuals to follow a specific course of conduct, such as an agreement to commit a crime (a conspiracy).


Part of speech: noun

Definition: A state whereby two parties share a view or opinion; agreement.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: An understanding between individuals to follow a specific course of conduct, such as an agreement to commit a crime (a conspiracy).A state whereby two parties share a view or opinion.An expression or indication that an agreement has been reached.A legally binding contract enforceable in a court of law.Rules that exist in many languages that force some parts of a sentence to be used or inflected differently depending on certain attributes of other parts.The state of not contradicting one another.

We hope you now know whether to use Agreeance or Agreement in your sentence.

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