Part of speech: verb
Definition: To attach.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: That which is affixed; an appendage. A bound morpheme added to a word's stem; formerly applied only to suffixes (also called postfixes), the term as now used comprises prefixes, suffixes, infixes, circumfixes, and suprafixes. The complex number a+bi associated to the point in the Gauss Plane with coordinates (a,b).
Part of speech: noun
Definition: Something added, especially to make up for a deficiency.An extension to a document or publication that adds information, corrects errors or brings up to date.An additional section of a newspaper devoted to a specific subject.An angle that, when added to a given angle, makes 180; a supplementary angle.A vitamin, herbal extract, or chemical compound included with a diet to enhance muscular development.
Part of speech: verb
Definition: To provide or make a supplement to something.
Example sentence: I was not in 'Iron Man 2,' but I take a daily iron supplement.