Difference between Affinity and Kinship

What is the difference between Affinity and Kinship?

Affinity as a noun is a natural attraction or feeling of kinship to a person or thing. while Kinship as a noun is relation or connection by blood, marriage or adoption


Part of speech: noun

Definition: A natural attraction or feeling of kinship to a person or thing. A family relationship through marriage of a relative, as opposed to consanguinity. (e.g. sister-in-law). The fact of and manner in which something is related to another. A kinsman or kinswoman of such relationship. Affinal kinsman or kinswoman. Any romantic relationship. Any passionate love for something. An attractive force between atoms, or groups of atoms, that contributes towards their forming bonds The attraction between an antibody and an antigen

Example sentence: Transparency and liquidity make sense in my head, so that's why I have an affinity for blockchain as a whole.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: relation or connection by blood, marriage or adoptionrelation or connection by nature or character

Example sentence: Let philosophy resolutely aim to be as scientific as possible, but let her not forget her strong kinship with literature.

We hope you now know whether to use Affinity or Kinship in your sentence.

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