Part of speech: verb
Definition: Refrain from (something); hold one's self aloof; to forbear or keep from doing, especially an indulgence of the passions or appetites; -- with from. To shun voluntarily. Deliberately refrain from casting one's vote at a meeting where one is present. Hinder; withhold.
Example sentence: To abstain from sin when one can no longer sin is to be forsaken by sin, not to forsake it.
Part of speech: verb
Definition: To hold back; to restrain; to keep within prescribed bounds; to curb; to govern.To abstain fromTo keep one's self from action or interference; to hold aloof; to forbear; to abstain.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: The burden of a song; a phrase or verse which recurs at the end of each of the separate stanzas or divisions of a poetic composition. As enjoined by a chorus.
Example sentence: We must not demonstrate any arrogance, and we must refrain from any irrational or undemocratic behavior.