Part of speech: verb
Definition: To tear off or asunder. To interrupt suddenly.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: Something which is abrupt.
Part of speech: adjective
Definition: Extremely steep or craggy as if broken up; precipitous. Without notice to prepare the mind for the event; sudden; hasty; unceremonious. Curt in manner; rude; uncivil; impolite. Having sudden transitions from one subject or state to another; unconnected. Suddenly terminating, as if cut off; truncate.
Example sentence: After the abrupt death of my mother, Jane, on Sept. 5, 1991, of a disease called amyloidosis, my dad took up golf at 57. He and my mother had always played tennis - a couples' game of mixed doubles and tennis bracelets and Love-Love. But in mourning, Dad turned Job-like to golf, a game of frustration and golf widows and solitary hours on the range.
Part of speech: noun
Definition: An articulation marking directing that a note or passage of notes are to be played in an abruptly disconnected manner, with each note sounding for a very short duration, and a short break lasting until the sounding of the next note; as opposed to legato. Staccato is indicated by a dot directly above or below the notehead.A passage having this mark.
Part of speech: adverb
Definition: played in this style
Part of speech: adjective
Definition: describing a passage having this markMade up of abruptly disconnected parts or sounds.